Injection Molding with a Mission
XenoMold is a plastic injection molding service for creating parts from remanufactured plastic sources, with the goal of reducing waste and helping to create a sustainable future.

100% recycled plastic
Our injection molded parts are made from 100% recycled plastic, so you can be sure that you're doing your part in preserving the environment while still getting quality parts.

2 step review process
We understand the importance of quality assurance and have implemented a two-step review process to guarantee that the parts we produce meet your expectations.

Flat rate small shot molding
For smaller projects, we offer flat rate small shot molding, so you can get started without worrying about an upfront investment. If your part can be made in a 4"x3"x2" space and is less than 1.8 oz in volume we can help.

No minimum order quantity
No matter how small or large your project is, we have no minimum order quantity, so you can get just what you need without having to worry about excess material or costs.

Free shipping for parts
When you order from us, all parts ship free within the continental United States and Canada, so you don't have to worry about surprise charges at checkout.